Trends in NBFCs are changing simultaneously with the technology change. NBFCs have been increasing for the past few years and have reached an all-time high growth.
According to a publication by RBI, their credit intensity measured by the credit/GDP ratio has increased from 8.6 in 2013 to 13.7 in 2021.
Moreover, compared to Scheduled Commercial…
Neo banks— online banks, internet-only or no branch banks.
With the catered and personalized customer solutions— In the next five years, the global NeoBank market is recorded to grow at 47.1% and hit a $333.4 billion market size (CAGR).
Along with seamless 24x7 remote services, NeoBanks are easy to set up because of low operating…
What does VCFO stand for? The acronym for Virtual Chief Finance Officers is becoming popular as it provides freedom to hire financial roles with redeemable contracts.
A Virtual CFO assists in day-to-day supervision and management of the finance department and helps in capital raising, lending strategies, and implementation.
Many companies are already delegating their operations…